Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Hello again readers~

Here are my NOTD's from the past few weeks. :)

Finger Paints in Stunning Stilettos with one coat of Shattered by Icing.

I really liked this, though It was odd working with Shattered, and I bent a few of the pieces. It took three top coats to smooth it out, but I still picked at the pieces that poked out, which is why there's a couple of chips in the polish. I'll be doing this again, but maybe not over Stunning Stilettos.

China Glaze in Westside Warrior, with Finger Paints in Flecked, and Motley layered on top. I wasn't so sure that this combination would look good, but I'm glad I did it. Not only did it look great, but Ani and I discovered that in darker lighting, it really looked amazing:

Finally, I tried something new this week. One of my nails chipped off (thumb), and when I went to smooth it out, it ended up looking like a claw on one side. So I just trimmed all of my nails to claws, and applied Wet N Wild in Morbid to them. I think it's a wonderful look, though it hurts a little bit when I make a fist, since they are sharpened points.

Thanks for reading~

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