Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Busy as a Bee at the Japanese Festival

Hello again readers!

I've been even busier  lately. The first round of projects are due (the first set today, oh dear!) and I've been busting my butt making sure they're up to my standards. Though, over the weekend, I set aside time to play too. 

I went to see 'The World's End', which is the last of the Cornetto Trilogy. It was wonderful! I didn't like the ending much, but I enjoyed the rest of the movie.

On Sunday, I went with my friends Michaela and Ani to the Japanese Festival. This year, Ani bought me a yukata and an obi when she was in Japan, so we all wore one for the festivities. 

We got many compliments, and we even got our pictures taken by strangers who thought we all looked so cute.

I didn't buy anything this year (except for some AMAZING lemonade!), but I was super tempted to buy an eevee plush... it was really expensive, so I overlooked it, but it was so cute! 

It was very hot, but we dealt with it (I got blisters TAT) and afterwards went back to my house for the Labor Day party and some Teen Wolf.

I'm not looking forward to the work, but I'm looking forward to the new experiences I will have.

Have you been busy lately? What do you do for fun?

Thanks for reading!

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